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24th Oct - 25 Oct

Human activity, deliberate or otherwise, continues to have a negative impact on Ireland's environment and wildlife; the aim of this conference is to identify some of the threats, problems, and solutions to resolve this.

Wildlife suffers not only from intentional harm and persecution such as poisoning and illegal hunting and trapping, but also from habitat destruction and continuing human encroachment on their dwindling wild spaces through insensitive farming practices and ill-considered building construction, and through expansion of our transport infrastructure.

Finding solutions will require new ideas and approaches beyond existing conservation practices and protections, as well as increased engagement from communities, NGO's and local and national government. A new strategy is needed - the Conference will be a two-day event that will explore these issues and work towards a strategy to create an environment of planned co-existence rather than inadvertent conflict with nature.

This years Irish Wildlife Crime Conference will take place online. 

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Sept 23 2020

Wild birds don’t have a voice at the cabinet table but they do have you. Please Speak Up For Nature and leave a message for MEPs to demand a better CAP for wild birds. More info in the attached on what to say and link to leave a message here. Please circulate the attached in a separate email to your contacts.  This is really important as Agriculture Ministers are weakening the Common Agriculture Policy in Brussels and we need MEPs to step up to the plate to save farmland biodiversity.

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July 20, 2020

The poisoning of Mary the Hen Harrier sets a bad precedent for birds of prey in Meath. Fine out more here 

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